
Every day Christian living, is a journey with Jesus. As we Journey with Jesus we grow in our personal relationship with him.


Thanks for visiting Jesus-N-Me. This is the real me, in real life, in my relationship and experience, with a real God who loves us.


Give Thanks

Dear Readers,

I give thanks in every remembrance of you today and always.
Although I am not always on the grid and hooked up to the wifi, you continue to check back to see if there is something new to encourage you.

I am so thankful to God my Savior, even thru the difficulties of lost loved ones, cut in pay and many other kinds of loss, he has been with me. He has comforted me and has supplied for my needs in a variety of ways.

The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:7 "What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ."

I remember a ministry trip to the ranches outside of San Carlos, Mexico. The group I was with spent the mornings packing beans and rice and other staple food items as well as clothes and shoes for all ages and sizes. In the afternoons we drove out the dirt roads two to three hours to ranch after ranch delivering the much-needed goods.

 People gathered at the local church. We joined together to praise God in song and minister his words of truth. It was a touching experience to stand together in worship one people by Gods' spirit. " Gods' Children." I met such loving and giving women every where we went.

After one of those times of worship, the pastor's wife invited us into her kitchen. It was dark. The only light came from the hot coals of the cooking pit that wound around in a horseshoe along the stick and mud built room. We lined line the walls as well filing in through the little door. My heart swelled with gratitude when we held hands and prayed.

 I was so humbled as she passed out the demitasse of coffee and small sugar cookies. I was amazed by the generosity and hospitality of these people who had so little in material things. Even though we were there to bless them, they gave so much to bless us.

I pray I never forget the kindness shown. I pray I'll be satisfied and thankful whether thriving or lacking. The Apostle Paul gives this example, Learn to be content whether living with abundance or abased. Philippians 4:11-12. After seeing this pattern lived out before my eyes, in the Mexican ranches, I decided, I too will endeavor to heed this instruction.

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