
Every day Christian living, is a journey with Jesus. As we Journey with Jesus we grow in our personal relationship with him.


Thanks for visiting Jesus-N-Me. This is the real me, in real life, in my relationship and experience, with a real God who loves us.


What To Do With The Things We Can't Change

If we have ever prayed the "Serenity Prayer" we come to know that there are things in our lives that we just have no control over. Disasters crash in, loved ones pass on, relationships end, without notice jobs are gone as if a rug was pulled right out from under our feet. Life happens to us all.  (Matthew 5:45)

When life throws us a curve ball, we can handle it. (Psalm 55:22) God will sustain us when we cast our burden on him. But how do we do that we might ask?

Well, first of all, we can pray for wisdom to deal with that burden in a godly manner. (James 1: 2-5) Know that Jesus took not only our sin but all off our troubles upon himself while he was hanging up on the cross.(Isaiah 55:4-5) Also, hope God will bring us through our problems and have faith he will work things out for our good. (Hebrews 11:1)

Sometimes it may happen instantly, and sometimes it may take just a short while. Abraham and Sarah waited many years before receiving their child. (Hebrews 6;12-15) It is was written in (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) there is a time for everything in this life.

After we pray for wisdom, we need to listen and follow what God puts on our heart. Maybe we need to pray for God to open up doors for us. Paul and Silas were praising God at midnight while they were in prison when suddenly the walls fell, and they were set free. We can pray for God to bring us into contact with the right people who will help us. Maybe we need to receive the witty ideas /inventions God wants to give us and use them as a ladder to climb out of the miry clay in which we find ourselves.

Sometimes, even when we've done everything we think should be done, we don't see the results as we were hoping. Then what? We are at the end of our rope!
 Well, there are times we must quietly wait patiently on the Lord. (Psalm 40;1-3) Stand steadfast in the whole armor God has given us,  (Ephesians 6:10-18) Trust God. Thank him for bringing us through. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is Hope for our future.(Jeremiah 29:11-13)

We may not be able to change a thing but, with God, all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) If we love God and He has called us according to his purpose, He will cause all things to work together for our good, in His time. (Romans 8:28) He who started a good work in us is faithful; He will finish what he started. (Philippians 1:6)

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